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  • This isn't to say they aren't a fantastic team, because they are, they've deserved to win the cup each time it's been played, but they haven't, so until they win it they aren't the best sporting team in history. there are others like the chicago bulls, barcelona, real madrid, LA Lakers, Man united and the US bball team.. but good luck to the kiwis, they deserve it unlike the french | Top Stories 2011

  • Mueller Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 02: 06 PM EST your question should have been name the other starters for the jordan led chicago bulls? you'd get the deer in the headlight look!! lol

    Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch 2009

  • Mueller Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 02: 06 PM EST your question should have been name the other starters for the jordan led chicago bulls? you'd get the deer in the headlight look!! lol

    Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch 2009

  • Tagged as: chicago bulls, dallas mavericks, detroit pistons, Golden States Warriors, sacramento kings

    unknown title 2009

  • some of you need to learn to read... quoting teams like chicago bulls, real madrid etc... we're talking greatest INTERNATIONAL team here... | Top Stories 2011

  • cant wait for when corinthians win the world cup vs chicago bulls | Top Stories 2011


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